Can AI help workforce mental health?

With burnout increasing in the UK, a new survey from Unmind, a workplace and wellbeing platform, shows that 42% of HR leaders are considering adopting artificial intelligence (AI) as a way of addressing workforce mental wellbeing.

The data, based on insights from 2,000 UK HR leaders, also shows that 89% of those surveyed are planning to implement AI to streamline people management in their organisations with 86% believing that AI will play a crucial role in the success of workplace mental health strategies by 2030.

So how can AI technologies be leveraged to support and enhance mental health in the workplace?

  • AI mental health chatbots can provide immediate and confidential support to employees, offering resources, coping strategies, and suggestions when professional help may be necessary on a 24/7 basis.

  • AI can analyse facial expressions, voice tones, and other biometric data to assess the emotional well-being of employees, allowing for early intervention if signs of stress, anxiety, or other mental health issues are found.

  • AI algorithms can analyse data patterns to predict potential mental health challenges within the workforce, allowing proactive measures to be taken to address issues before they escalate.

  • AI can assist in creating personalised well-being applications that cater to individual needs around mindfulness, exercise, stress management or other resources based on the employees’ preferences.

  • AI-driven virtual reality experiences can be developed to help employees relax and manage stress by calming environments or guiding them through relaxation exercises.

  • AI can analyse work-related data to identify patterns that may contribute to stress, burnout, or dissatisfaction. These insights can then inform decisions about workload distribution and help design more supportive work environments.

  • AI can analyse employee feedback and surveys to gain insights into overall workplace satisfaction and identify areas that may impact mental health.

  • AI can be used to develop interactive training modules on mental health awareness and stress management. These modules can be tailored to the specific needs and challenges of different industries or job roles.

72% of those surveyed observed an increase in mental health-related employee absences so the idea that AI can offer a personalised 24/7 support service for employees is undeniably attractive. However, AI must be used safely and responsibly if HR leaders and managers are to create work environments where every employee can flourish.

AI has great potential to support workforce mental health but it's essential to implement these technologies ethically, ensuring user privacy, consent, and addressing potential biases. It should complement human support rather than replace it, and employees should be informed about how AI is used in the context of mental health within the workplace.